How Interior Decoration Influences Property Sales


Although the selling price of a property is still one of the most determining factors, there are other elements that also play a role in the decisions of the future buyer or tenant. Such is the case of the originality and character conveyed by the spaces not only by the layout of the structure, but also by the decoration they present.

From this perspective, several techniques have been developed that seek to mix interior design with architecture, marketing and psychology to emotionally influence the consumer’s mind. All based on the fact that we do not only buy a product or service… we buy the experience it generates, sensations and emotions that remain in our memories.

Home Staging: Spaces to fall in love with

They are a series of techniques originating in the United States that seek to take care of the aesthetic presentation of a home, commercial space or office to make them more attractive and thus sell or rent them faster. This type of practice does not require major transformations or remodeling of spaces, but uses simple changes in furniture, space organization, decoration and presentation of spaces.

Statistics show that houses that have undergone a home staging process are sold faster. In this regard, the Ovacen portal points out that it has been proven that “the potential buyer decides to purchase a property in the first ninety seconds or a minute and a half“.

To stand out among the various offers available on the market, the help of a professional or home stager is often required, because “only 10% of potential buyers can visualize the potential of your home, so this is another reason why this technique is becoming essential“, according to the International Association of Home Staging Professionals.

How to apply Home Staging in your premises or home?

The first step is to know the profile of the future buyer, his needs, lifestyle and opinions of other properties with similar characteristics; all these data will allow the adoption of a depersonalized style capable of attracting looks, generating feelings and becoming a successful sale. In fact, some specialists in the real estate market consider that, in order to sell a property, the best way is to combine neutrality with the personality of the space.

It is not so much a matter of giving a personal touch to the rooms but of achieving an environment in which any of the potential buyers will feel comfortable, as if they were at home. The client must be able to imagine the real dimensions of the rooms so that he can clearly visualize the usefulness of the spaces. Most people are unable to imagine a possible layout without furniture.

Specialized websites recommend “renewing the air at least 10 minutes before guests arrive, especially in the rooms. You can also use soft air fresheners or other aromas that awaken the memory of good memories such as freshly baked bread or hot coffee“. Also, create large spaces, with neutral colors and adequate lighting, as well as avoiding personal objects such as family photographs or recognitions. Above all, repair any damage and maintain order, for this “symmetrical arrangements usually work well and give a sense of order. In addition, it is always interesting to create a cozy and relaxing area where the future buyer can see himself sitting in a relaxed way“, this is how Inmogesco.com describes it.

Noriega Group bets on Home Staging

In our recent project called KASA we have established a strategic alliance with the Sánchez + Coleman brand to create spaces full of graphic sensibility with an extra dose of humor. This residential complex combines advanced design techniques and aesthetics of Christopher Coleman and Angel Sanchez, as well as the style, quality and experience of Noriega Group, providing investors with elegant, modern common areas with a great sense of usability.

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